Hey all, been some time. Autumn is keeping winter at bay giving some mild weather in Norway. We had lots of rain temperatures all the way up to +12c in week 45! The sun is gone at about 4 pm each day now so I’ve resulted to the winter program of running rounds on trails and gravel roads in the dark close to where i live. I’ve been a little sick as well, lost about a week of running to some mild fever. but luckily I’m back on top of it again.
Some work has also been done on the Trails of north website to make it more mobile friendly & easier to use. Submit a trail form has been moved so its easier to access. Users can submit posts for the blog trough their profiles (published directly) or by using the form on the frontpage (published after a review from me).
One of my other favorite sports started up again, long-track ice-skating! every Tuesday i practice down in Skien on the 400m track, it opened it doors for the season in November. it has been good to have the ice under my feet and it helps me to keep motivated on my training trough the darker days. I’ve sewn myself a new skating suit in week 44, the last one i had made was getting a little old 🙂
This weekend the rains stopped and i had some days off to run. I revisited a area slightly north of Lifjell (1,5h drive or so) and ran a round on a mountain plateau there. (bid more about that below)
Heksefjell – Blåfjell
So Saturday it was foggy down in the valleys but i was pretty sure there was sunshine to be found further up! So i pack my bag starteds up the car and drove up a little mountain toll road & puff hello blue skies!
I’ve been at the same place last year. At that run i had to bail out since there just was too much snow! (12.11.2017). Haha bid a contrast from now, mild weather and lots of rain melted all the snow last week. Just met a little field of snow here and there. Running went easy until i hit a past without trails on some wetlands after the top of Heksefjell. Man those soft wetlands just sucked the energy straight out of me. Half of the force of each leap just gets absorbed by the soft underground, making it a tiresome endeavor. Luckily the ground became solid again after i climbed up the slopes.
The sea of fog down in the valleys was just amazing to behold from above. After a 2nd lunch break (chocolate break) at the highest point i ran down back to the car while enjoying a perfect sunset!
More info and images of the trail at the trail report.