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Trail run up to the pinnacles of Gygrestolen, one of the areas most remarkable landmarks.

At the parking lot there is a sign with a map over the trail. It’s a marked round trip of about 6,5km. mostly Forrest that opens up gradually as you reach the slabs of rock closer to the top. From the edge at Gygrestolen you can see far towards the North over the forests, town of Bø, and the Lifjell mountains. My recommendation would be to get up there close to sunset as the ledge faces pretty much directly in the sunsets direction.  Legend tells that when the stone pinnacles fall (yes they move a few mm each year) they will drop in the lake below and flood all of Eikjabygda.

There are also several climbing routes up to the tops of both pinnacles.

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The trail is marked with  blue dots  and stripes of paint on rocks & trees and a signpost here and there. The route is well marked and easy to follow.

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